gaitutils technical documentation


This document is intended to provide technical information about the gaitutils package for developers and advanced users. It assumes basic knowledge about gait analysis and related concepts (e.g. trials, gait cycles and gait events.)

gaitutils provides the following core functionality:

  • automatically process gait data using Vicon Nexus

  • load data from C3D files or Vicon Nexus

  • plot gait curves, EMG data, time-distance parameters etc.

  • create reports based on the plots

A lot of the functionality is based on the Trial class, which handles data normalization etc. The package functionality can be accessed in scripts via (import gaitutils) or from a PyQt5-based GUI.

Installation and dependencies

gaitutils depends on a lot of other packages, including PyQt, SciPy, NumPy, dash, plotly, matplotlib, btk etc. To facilitate the installation, a Conda environment.yml file is provided, which should install all the dependencies. One potentially problematic dependency is the btk package (Biomechanical ToolKit), which is no longer maintained. However, an unofficial Python 3 compatible release of btk is available at

The Vicon Nexus Python API and btk are “soft” dependencies. It’s not necessary to have Vicon Nexus installed to run gaitutils. Without Nexus, you can still read data from C3D files, but obviously autoprocessing will not work. Even though btk is technically a soft dependency, the package cannot do very much without it.

The Vicon Nexus Python API is currently (as of Nexus 2.12 and later) provided as a pip package in the Vicon Nexus installation. After creating the conda environment, the API package still needs to be installed as follows (edit the Nexus path as necessary).

C:\>cd "C:\Program Files\Vicon\Nexus2.13\SDK\Win64\Python"
pip install ./viconnexusapi

This may need superuser privileges.

Misc dependencies

The package depends on two other packages by the author: ulstools and configdot. ulstools contains various functionality shared by the applications used in the Helsinki gait lab configdot provides an extended mechanism for reading and writing INI files.

Installation for development

The default installation mechanism will install a snapshot of the package from the latest GitHub master branch. It can then be updated with pip. However, developers and advanced users will wish to install in “git mode” instead (i.e. run the package directly from a cloned repository). This can be done as follows:

  • Clone the repository from GitHub

  • Perform a normal install using the conda environment. You may want to use the development version of the conda environment specification – environment_dev.yml for Windows or environment_linux_dev.yml for Linux. The development versions of the specification do not specify package versions. This means that conda will try to install the most recent versions of all the package requirements, potentially leading to problems.

  • Activate the new environment

  • Remove the pip install using pip uninstall gaitutils

  • Change directory to root of cloned repository

  • Run pip install -e . (previously python develop which is now deprecated)

Desktop shortcuts

To facilitate use of the GUI, a desktop shortcut mechanism is included. You can run gaitmenu_make_shortcut from the activated environment to create a shortcut. This should create a shortcut that activates the correct conda environment and runs the GUI.


The documentation is written in RST using Sphinx. It is available online at There is a commit hook on GitHub that automatically updates the online documentation when the master branch is updated. Locally, the documentation can be recreated by running

sphinx-build -b html docs docs-html

in the project’s root directory. The resulting html documentation will appear in docs-html directory.

To build the documentation, you need to have the sphinx_rtd_theme package installed. It can be installed using pip.

Unit tests

The package includes unit tests written with pytest. The tests can be run from the tests/ directory by typing

python -m pytest --runslow --runnexus

The --runnexus option runs also tests that require a working installation of Vicon Nexus. Leave it out if you don’t have Nexus. --runslow runs additional tests that are marked as slow (e.g. report creation.)

Many of the tests require test data that is currently not distributed with the package, so they can currently be run only at the Helsinki gait lab.


The package is configured via an INI file. The user-specific INI file .gaitutils.cfg file is located in the users’ home directory. Initially it is a copy of data/default.cfg from the package. The user can modify it either from a text editor or via the GUI configuration interface.

The configuration INI files are parsed and written by the configdot package written by the author. The idea of configdot is to support direct definition of Python objects in config files, among other features not provided by standard packages such as ConfigObj.

During module import, a config object called cfg is created in by reading the default configuration values and overriding them with any user-specified values. After importing the config (from gaitutils import cfg), the items defined in the config are accessible as cfg.section.item. For example, print(cfg.autoproc.crop_margin) will print 10 in the default configuration. The values can be set using similar syntax, i.e. cfg.autoproc.crop_margin = 15. The configuration is package-global, i.e. any changes will immediately be reflected in any other code that uses cfg

New config items can be defined simply by inserting the item and its default value into a section in gaitutils/data/default.cfg.

The GUI has dialog under File/Options that will automatically display all configuration items defined in default.cfg on a tabbed page and allow the user to edit them.


Two important algorithms in gaitutils are

  • automatic detection of gait events

  • automatic detection of forceplate contacts

These are defined in

Event detection

See gaitutils.utils.automark_events().

gaitutils can detect gait events (foot strikes and toeoffs) based purely on marker data. The algorithm is based on velocity thresholding. At the frame where the velocity of the foot falls below a certain threshold, a foot strike event is created. When the velocity rises above another threshold, a toeoff event is created. The foot velocity is computed as the average velocity of the foot markers (ankle, toe and heel).

The velocity thresholds can be determined based on heuristics. The default heuristic is that the foot strike and toeoff occur at 20% and 45% of the subject’s peak foot velocity during the trial, respectively. This gives surprisingly good results for most subjects. However, more accurate thresholds can be determined based on the forceplate data. That is, if a valid forceplate contact is available for the trial, the foot velocity is determined at the moment of foot strike and toeoff, and those values are used as thresholds. When processing a whole gait session, it would be possible to use all trials to determine the velocity threshold. However, this doesn’t work in cases where there is a lot of intertrial variance (the threshold doesn’t generalize across trials).

Evaluation of forceplate contacts

Detection of forceplate contacts is necessary for kinetic models, for which we only want to consider cycles where valid forceplate contact occurs. For such cycles, we will be able know the reaction force for the duration of the cycle. From this force, various kinetic values can be computed, such as the moment at the knee joint.

Nexus stores forceplate contact information in the Eclipse database (see below). However for each plate, only the context (Right, Left or Invalid) is stored. Nexus does not e.g. store the frames where the forceplate contacts occur. Thus, we have to detect them ourselves.

“Valid” forceplate contact means that 1) the foot is completely inside the forceplate area and 2) the contralateral foot does not contact the same plate during the gait cycle (which would be a “double contact” and invalidate the force data). In gaitutils, the foot is modelled as a simple triangle. The vertices of the triangle are estimated from marker data. The position of the heel marker is used as the heel vertex. For the other two vertices (“big toe” and “little toe”) there are no markers available. Thus, the code attempts to estimate their positions. If explicit information about foot length is available, the accuracy will be improved. Foot length can be supplied as an extra model parameter in Nexus (RightFootLen and LeftFootLen).

For the implementation, see gaitutils.utils.detect_forceplate_events().

The Trial object

Trial objects store trial data and related metadata. They also provide normalization of data to gait cycles. Creation of Trial() instances goes roughly as follows:

  • Trial metadata (events, subject information etc.) is read from the source (Nexus or C3D).

  • Forceplate contacts are detected automatically. This needs to be done at trial creation, since we need to know which gait cycles have valid forceplate contact (see above). By default, the detection of forceplate contacts is affected by the Eclipse database (see next section).

  • Model, marker and EMG data is read, mostly lazily (not at trial creation, but later when the data is needed). For C3D-based trial objects, the laziness is largely inconsequential. For trials that read directly from Nexus, this presents a potential problem, as the underlying Nexus data may change between the API calls. gaitutils tries to keep track of when the underlying data has changed. However, for this and other reasons (e.g. speed), it is recommended to create trial objects from C3D files instead.

  • Finally, gait cycles are created based on the events.

The Eclipse database

Vicon includes a database component called ProEclipse (or simply Eclipse) with Nexus. It is used to store various trial- and session-related metadata. Eclipse stores the information in INI-style files with .enf extension, one file for each trial.

gaitutils makes use of Eclipse in two ways: reading and writing forceplate-related metadata, and looking for tags in the Eclipse “notes” or “description” fields.

Forceplate data

The Eclipse forceplate metadata simply indicates which forceplates have a valid foot contact. For example, “FP1=Right” means that valid right foot contact has occurred on the 1st forceplate. The values can be set manually, and they affect the calculations performed by Plug-in Gait. Apparently, “Auto” means that Plug-in Gait should try to perform autodetection of the foot contact, “Invalid” means that the contact will not be taken into account, and “Left” and “Right” can be used to force a valid contact.

The Eclipse forceplate information is also used by default when loading trials. This can be used to force kinetics data to be available for given cycles. For example, if there is poor forceplate contact for plate 1 (e.g. partial contact) but you still want to see kinetics for that plate, you can set the Eclipse key for forceplate 1 to “Right” in Vicon Nexus. When the trial is loaded in gaitutils, the Eclipse info will be read and corresponding cycle will have kinetics available. This behavior can be disabled by setting the configuration item cfg.trial.use_eclipse_fp_info to False.


Tags are short strings in the Eclipse Notes or Description fields, used to mark trials for inclusion in reports etc. The tags can be defined by the user in cfg.eclipse.tags config item.


gaitutils can automatically process gait data in conjuction with Vicon Nexus. This includes:

  • Running preprocessing pipelines in Nexus (typically reconstruct, label, gap fill, filter)

  • Detection of forceplate contacts

  • Identification of trials with good data

  • Automatic creation of gait events (foot strikes and toeoffs)

  • Running various gait models (e.g. Plug-in Gait)

In addition to Nexus pipelines, autoprocessing relies on the two algorithms described above. Some notes:

  • The autoprocessing operation deletes C3D files for the dynamic trials to be processed. This is the only way to ensure that the data in Nexus is unmodified (and not e.g. cropped). When C3D file for a trial is not available, Nexus loads the original data from the X1D and X2D files.

  • By default, the autoprocessing operation does its own detection of forceplate contacts and writes the Eclipse forceplate keys as either “Right”, “Left” or “Invalid”, according to the detected contacts. The keys can also be reset by setting cfg.autoproc.write_eclipse_fp_info to reset. This will set the keys to “Auto” so that autodetection occurs in Plug-in Gait.


Gait reports can be generated from processed data. Interactive (web browser -based) and hardcopy (PDF) reports are supported.


Code guidelines

I have tried to adhere to the following guidelines (not always successfully):

  • Use NumPy-style docstrings. This is also assumed by the API documentation generator.

  • Properly document at least the functions intended for API.

  • Functions not intended for API are prefixed with underscore.

  • Add unit tests for functions, especially API ones.

  • Avoid writing lots of classes, especially thin ones that don’t provide much functionality. Classes are great, but they also introduce hidden “magic” that can make it difficult for others to reason about the code.

Code formatting

From time to time, all the code has been formatted with black, using the -S option (no string normalization, i.e. both single and double quotes are preserved and can be used as preferred). New code can be formatted in-place by running

black -S .

in the root package directory. Various IDEs such as VS Code also support formatting with black.

Version control

The code is stored at a public GitHub repository at In the past, PyPi packages for gaitutils were actively created for gaitutils, but currently the philosophy is to install directly from the latest GitHub master branch. Thus, the PyPi packages are likely to be out of date. pip can install directly from GitHub master using a URL specifier such as

Miscellaneous technical notes

Exception handling

The package defines one custom exception class: GaitDataError. It is used to signify a general problem with the gait data that is usually non-fatal. Several API functions raise GaitDataError when there is “something wrong” with the data (the exact meaning depends on the function).


The GUI is currently written for PyQt5. With very minor modifications, it should also work with PySide2 and PyQt6.

Threads are used to keep the GUI responsive during long running operations. The method gaitutils.gui._gaitmenu.Gaitmenu._run_in_thread() is used to run a long-running operation in a worker thread. It’s recommended to use this for any operation that is expected to take longer than a second or two. The point is not for the user to be able to run several operations in parallel, but just to keep the GUI (e.g. the progress meter and the cancel button) responsive. In fact, by default _run_in_thread() disables the elements of the main UI window, so that the user cannot start multiple operations at the same time. _run_in_thread() also handles any exceptions raised during the operation and reports them via a GUI window, without terminating the program.

Long-running Vicon Nexus operations (typically Nexus pipelines) require special care. Seemingly, it should be enough to run the operation in a worker thread, as described above. However, Python has a restriction known as the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL): only one thread of a process can execute Python bytecode at a time. It appears that the Nexus API does not release the GIL until the Nexus operation is finished. Thus, starting a Nexus operation in a thread freezes all other threads, potentially for a long time. A simple workaround is to run any Nexus pipeline operations in a separate process instead of a thread (i.e. a new interpreter is started for the operation). This is accomplished by

For GUI operations that are not started via _run_in_thread(), you must catch and handle any exceptions yourself, otherwise they will cause a termination. Such unhandled exceptions are propagated to a custom exception hook (my_excepthook()) that will display a message and terminate the GUI.

The GUI includes a logging window that will display any messages emitted via the standard Python logging module. This is implemented via a special logging handler QtHandler(). The logging level can be set in the configuration.


Ideas on how to improve the package.

  • Reading accelerometer data is supported, but there is no specific support for plotting it it (or other non-EMG analog data, such as raw forceplate data). Something similar to EMG handling should be implemented (i.e. list of accelerometer channel names, etc.)

  • Some of the configuration values are mandatory to be adjust for each particular lab (such as EMG channel names) and others can be left as they are. It would be nice to have a list of “critical” config values and maybe a GUI wizard that would allow the user to set them easily.

  • The configuration GUI is a bit half-baked. It doesn’t know about the potential types of config items, thus it has to use a “universal” line input widget for most items. This enables the user to input basically any Python type. However, if we know that a certain value is e.g. numerical only (and can’t be None or a string etc.), we could use a spinbox, which would be neater. This would require a system for declaring types for config items. There could be a separate file that would list the allowable types (and possibly e.g. ranges of values) for each config type.

Description of modules and other files

This is a list of modules and other files included in the package. It is not 100% complete yet, but should contain the most important components.

Automatically process gait data using Vicon Nexus.

Load data from C3D files. Mostly wrappers around the btk library.

Read and write package configuration data.

Read and write Vicon database (Eclipse) files.

Handle EMG data.

Functionality related to the operating system and environment.

Definitions for various gait models, such as Plug-in Gait.

Communicate with Vicon Nexus. Mostly wrappers around the Nexus API.

Load and save normal (reference) data.

Utilities for numerical computation.

Data reader functions intended for the end user. They delegate to either C3D or Nexus readers as needed.

Utilities for handling gait sessions, e.g. for finding trials of interest.

Aggregate gait data into NumPy arrays and perform statistics.

Handle gait parameters (time-distance data).

Defines the Trial class and related functionality.

Utility functions related to gait data, e.g. for recognizing gait events and extrapolating marker data.

Facilities for handling gait videos.


Miscellaneous data used by the web report.


Package data. Includes some reference data and default configuration etc.


The PyQt5 GUI and related functionality.


Main code for the PyQt5 GUI.


Launches the PyQt5 GUI.


UI file for the GUI, created in Qt Designer.


A GUI for Tardieu tests (not actively maintained, may not work).


GUI functionality specific to Microsoft Windows.



Various custom Qt components.


Web and PDF-based reports.


Web report based on the Dash package.


PDF report based on matplotlib.


Text reports.


Provides simple translations.


Modules and executables provided by third parties.


Used to provide conversion from Nexus AVI video files to Theora. The web report needs this in order to show videos.


Visualization functions.


Common functions shared by all backends.


Plot using the matplotlib library.


Utility functions.


Plot using the Plotly library.


The API to plotting trial data (e.g. gait curves and EMG).


The API to time-distance plots.


This (and other) documentation.


Unit tests.